10 Cause of crack in concrete structure like Column, Beam, Slab, etc

There are many causes that may lead to the development of the crack in concrete structure. It may be due to artificial and natural causes.

Here I have described some important 10 points which lead to the cracks in the concrete structure like Column, Beam, Slab, etc

10 Cause of crack in concrete

Cause of crack in concrete

  1. The cracks may develop If the quality of concrete (Raw materials) are not good.
  2. The cracks may develop if the mix (Cement, Sand, and Concrete) of concrete are not mixed properly.
  3. The cracks may develop if (water/cement) ratio in concrete is more or less than the required amount as per design.
  4. The crack may develop if there will be more space between main and distribution bars or are not placed according to design.
  5. The cracks may develop if the concrete cover had not provided according to a given design.
  6. The crack may develop If bending wires are not fully tight.
  7. The crack may develop if there is less reinforcement at any place.
  8. The crack may develop if the span of the sections is more according to a given design.
  9. The crack may develop due to lack of proper curing on the structure.
  10. The cracks may develop due to improper way of Shuttering/Formwork of the concrete structure.

How cracks in concrete can be avoided?

  1. Proper curing of concrete should be done until the hydration period of concrete.
  2. Proper quantity of ingredients should be mixed according to the design of concrete.
  3. The proper amount of water should be mixed while preparing concrete.
  4. Freshwater should be used for the preparation of concrete.
  5. Proper clear cover should be provided in the RCC structure.

Watch Video on Causes of Crack Developed in Concrete

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"Structural Engineer" with over 5 years of experience in estimation, structural design, and surveying. I am passionate about using my skills to create safe and sustainable structures. I am also a keen writer, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.