426. Soil transported by water and deposited at the bottom of the lake is known as
a ) alluvial soil
b ) lacustrine soil
c ) loess
d ) dune sand
427. Agent of transportation for alluvial soils is
a) water
b ) gravity
c) wind
d ) ice
428. Generally soils is considered as
a ) single phase system
b) two phase system
c ) three phase system
d) none of the above
429. Fully saturated soil is considered as
a ) single phase system
b) two phase system
c ) three phase system
d) none of the above
430. Soil which contains particles of different sizes in good proportion is called
a ) uniform soil
b ) well graded soil
c ) consistent soil
d ) none of the above
431. For a well graded soil the co – efficient of curvature will be between
a ) 1 and 10
b) 2 and 8
c) 3 and 7
d ) 1 and 3
432. Degree of saturation of a soil is generally
a) above 100%
b ) below zero
c) between 0% to 100%
d ) none of the above
433. The basis for all soil classification systems is
a) permeability characteristics
b) specific gravity of solids
c) grain size and plasticity characteristics
d) none of the above
434. Soils are basically
a ) organic materials
b ) inorganic materials
c ) mineral materials
d) organic and inorganic materials
435. Cohesionless soil is
a ) sand
b ) silt
c ) clay
d ) clay and silt
436. The behaviour of silt is normally governed by
a ) mass energy
b ) surface energy
c ) mass and surface energy
d ) none of the above
437. Silts have the following property
a ) plasticity
b ) limited plasticity
c) limited or no plasticity
d) elasticity
438. The maximum size of clay particle is
a) 0.10 mm
b) 0.30 mm
c) 0.002 mm
d) 0.005 mm
439. The void ratio of soil is
a ) the ratio of voids to solids in volume
b ) the ratio of voids to gross volume
c ) the ratio of solids to voids in volume
d ) the ratio of solid volume to gross volume
440. The ratio of volume of air void to the volume of voids , is known
a ) air content
b ) wet porosity
c ) percentage voids
d ) degree of saturation
441. The ratio of volume of voids to the total volume of the given soil mass is known as
a ) porosity
b ) void ratio
c ) specific gravity
d ) water content
442. Theoretically , the void ratio in soils can have the following values
a ) > 1
b ) < 1
c ) > 0.5
d ) > 0.5
443. The ratio of weight of water to the weight of solids in a given mass of soil , is known as
a ) void ratio
b ) porosity
c ) specific gravity
d ) water content
444. The degree of saturation in soils can be defined as the ratio of
a ) water by weight to the dry soil weight
b ) volume of water to the gross volume of soil
c ) volume of water to volume of voids in soil
d ) weight of the water to wt . of soil
445. The relationship between void ratio ( e ) and porosity ratio ( n ) is
a ) n = e/(1-e)
b ) e = n/(1 – n)
c ) e = (1 + e)/(1-e)
d) (1 + e)/(1 – n)
446. Void ratio , e of a soil can
a ) never be greater than one
b ) be equal to zero
c ) be greater than zero
d ) be between 0 and 1
447. The functional equation for specific gravity ( G ) water content ( w ) , void ratio ( e ) and degree of saturation ( Sr ) is SrG
a ) w = SrG/e
b ) e = Srw/G
c) e = wG/Sr
d) G = Srw/e
448. The fundamental relation between percentage Air voids aa, specific gravity ( G ) , water content ( w ) and dry density ( yd ) is
a ) nd = G ( 1 – S )/ (1+ e) b )
b) WS = Ge
c ) We = SG
d ) none of the above
449. The ratio of the difference between the void ratio of the soil in its loosest and fully dense state is termed as
a ) degree of density
b ) density index
c ) relative density
d ) any of the above
450. The specific gravity of sandy soils is
a ) 1.5
b ) 2.0
c ) 2.2
d ) 2.6
451. Specific gravity of soil is
a ) same for clays and sands
b ) determined by hydrometer
c ) less than 2.0 for most soils
d ) more than 2.5 for most soils
452. Core – cutter method is used for
a ) determining density of soil
b ) obtaining samples for direct shear test
c ) determining bearing capacity of soil
d ) compacting soil
453. In hydrometer analysis the principle used is
a ) newton’s law
b ) darcy’s law
c ) stoke’s law
d ) rehbann’s law